

Manage your website and your content with Minos

The official guide for the content editor



Minos is fully integrated into the WordPress universe, including all its functionalities and ergonomics. Its system of content blocks to be arranged is based on the new version of the WordPress editor: Gutenberg. This system allows you to quickly build pages with rich and varied content without the need for technical knowledge.

The WordPress adminYour website identityManage the menu(s)Manage the users

The content blocks

These are modules that allow publishers to create, enrich, modify and improve their storytelling on their website. Learn how to use them!

Use the blocksMinos Blocks

Web content editor - Best Practices

Minos is only available within the WordPress environment. Here are some tips to make your content look good in the CMS!

Tips for editingForms ManagementCreate a multilingual websiteThe featured imageiframeButtons and CTAWeb Accessibility

If you want to know more about WordPress, we invite you to visit the official website of the CMS: https://wordpress.org/