Advanced use


Now that you have understood the main principles of content editing with Minotaure, here are a few advanced features that will allow you to personalize the user experience of your digital platform and make it even more professional.

Calls To Action (CTA)

This expression is used to identify the moment on a web page, when we request an action from the users. We often think the CTA is only a button, but there is a much wider range of options - from the traditional "buy" to the "play" button on a player, passing by the link "read more", etc. You could be very creative there.

Within the Minotaure widgets, we have set 3 different designs for "labels" (= texts) which can be transformed into CTA (= links).

Steps to consider:

  1. In the content editor within a Minotaure widget, you write the label which you want to turn into a CTA
  2. Then select the text and click on the "add a link" icon.
  3. A small window appears, where you can directly paste the URL of the target page. Click on the blue button (with a white arrow) - this will create a "standard" link, with no specific design.
  4. To create different buttons, click on the tiny toothed wheel on the right. This will open a pop-up window in which you can choose the button style you prefer ('none,' 'primary' or 'secondary').
  5. At the bottom of this window, there is also a list where you can select one page of your website - to be the target of the link.
  6. Click on 'Add a link' to close the operation.
  1. Update your page and let's have a look: you have 3 different button-styles, set up according to your website design.

Primary button, secondary one... what does it means?

Three levels of buttons is more than just 3 nice designs. Above all, it's about 3 levels of importance in the required action. Understanding this has an impact on the accessibility and readability of your website.

The appearance of the buttons depends on your website's styleguide - meaning that it can vary a lot from one website to another, but the hierarchical importance of the required actions is still there.

The "primary" button is the most important one. It's visually stronger, and implies a priority action (ordering something for instance).

The "secondary" button implies a less important action (read some more info before ordering, for instance).

Finally, the "none" button do not mean no button at all, but just that there is no specific design for this one. The "none" creates a standard link (one or several underlined words). It's there "in case of" someone wants to read more details on this or that.


Iframes allow to visualize a content coming from another web platform within your website page. It is common to add a Google Map via this protocol, the map being hosted remotely on Google's servers but "embedded" on your website. Another common example is the video player embedded in a press article.

To perform this operation in the Minotaure editor, you just have to copy/paste the iframe code (of the video, the map or whatever you want to embed) in the text body.


Minotaure SEO Content

This block is automatically present at the bottom of all the pages you'll create, under the widgets' list.


If you're tempted to avoid it, please don't. It won't have any impact on the smooth operation of your website indeed, nor on its layout, but it's a matter of visibility. The ranking of your website on search engine's results pages is important, for your renown, and potentially for your business. To put it in a nutshell, these two blocks are not there just for fun.

In the Content block, you can write a rather long text. It will mostly be linked to the internal website indexation. It could be used for instance on all pages listing contents (search results, services proposals, etc.)


You've created a page "About us", explaining who you are with 5 different widgets (Hero, Columns, Partners, etc.). The content in these widgets, which belong, to the page, will be indexed by search engines. The 2 SEO blocks on their side, will help the internal website search (when you use the WordPress' search engine). They'll help to push this content on your social networks for instance, or on Google search results.

The Excerpt block, on its side, will be much shorter. It's the few lines displayed under the link on the search results' page:


Locally deactivate a widget

Among the novelties of the new version of Minotaure, there is this possibility now to deactivate a widget.

This means that the deactivated widget is still in the list of available widgets, it's still part of the list on your page, but it's momentarily unvisible.

This allows you to hide a content which is ready, but has to appear only within a few days for instance.

To make the widget visible or not on your page it very easy: just click on the eye icon on the right of the widget's bar.


The favicon

The 'favorite icon' is is this small icon which represents your website and complete your visual identity.

You see it on the left of the search bar, as well as on each tab in your browser (which is very useful when you have too many opened tabs: the favicon allows you yo know what website is on each tab).


How do I get mine?

In your Minotaure dashboard, go to the left menu in "Apparence" then "Customize".


Click on "Site identity", then on "Site Icon". There, you can choose the icon among the existing gallery, or upload a new one.

Advice Before selecting the favicon, take some time to work on it. You'll need the good image in a good quality, at the right size (we recommend a transparent PNG of 512x512 pixels). Usually, the favicon is the company's logo in a smaller version - it has to be recognized at first sight. Remember that a favicon is a tiny square of 24px wide!

Once you've chosen the favicon, it will automatically be displayed where it's supposed to be.

If needed, you can of course remove the image or replace it with a better one.