Minotaure widgets

The widgets are a list of small content modules that you can add in your page depending on how you want to build your storytelling.

The widgets are available inside the edition of several types of content. Most of the time you will find the widgets when you edit the Pages in WordPress. Depending on how your website is configured, widgets can also be available for other custom content modules like FAQProjectsTeam members, ...

You can add widgets into your page by clicking the button "add a widget". A popover window appears, just click as many widget you want to add into your page.


Once the widgets are added into the main area of your page, you can still re-order them by drag & drop.


Each widget has its own form to edit its own components like the title, etc.

  • Icon 2 dashes on the left : drag & drop the widget
  • Icon arrow-down on the right : open the widget
  • Icon cross on the right : delete the widget
TIP A good first exercice is to add widgets, delete one, re-order them by dragging & dropping.
WARNING At any time you can check the rendering of your page built with the widgets by clicking the Permalink below the page title. The final rendering is highly linked to the graphic design of your website defined by the stylesheet.
Don't forget to save your page ! Closing the widgets is not enough: you must save the content of your page by clicking in the sidebar on the right. "save the draft" or "publish"