In most of the WordPress content types (by default "Pages" and "Posts"), there is the possibility to add a "featured image".
This image is very important: it is the one that will appear when you share the URL (= address) of your web page on social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). It is also the image that will be used in the content listings on your site: list of the latest news, display of search results, etc.

We invite you to take this into account in your daily work as an editor:
- *1. Always include a featured image with your content
- use an impactful visual, so that it stands out in the content flow of users on social networks
- It is a good opportunity to impose your brand identity. For example, propose images framed in the same way, with a particular visual treatment (desaturation, filters, etc.), with a logo or a short text on top, show illustrations, etc.
More advanced mechanisms can be set up on request:
- definition of a "default image", used only if the editor has not manually added a highlighted image to his content (usually an identity element, such as a company logo).
- setting up tools to manage the sharing of regular content on the same URL (for example by re-using several visuals used in the content, a quote, a content extract, etc.). For example, you might prefer, even though you are sharing the same link on several different social networks, to have a different image for each one, more adapted to the audience of that network.
- You also have the possibility to edit the 'associated content' (the few lines under the image that explain where the link goes to and what it is about) for each highlighted image.