Manage the menu(s)


This is the menu(s) of your site: the main menu, any super-menus or sub-menus, but also the links in the footer*.

Create a menu

  • go on your site dashboard
  • in the left-hand menu, click on "Appearance" then "Menus
  • from this page you can create a menu. If it already exists, you can still modify it (see next point)
  • click on “create a new menu”
  • name this new menu
  • you can now assign it settings and define its position (available depending on the intended theme/design of your site)
  • once named and created, you just have to compose the menu with the desired tabs (and possible sub-tabs)

Modify a menu

Just created or already existing, your menu is not fixed and can evolve according to the needs (of highlighting, change, etc.)

  • go on your site dashboard
  • in the left-hand menu, click on "Appearance" then "Menus
  • if you have several menus, start by selecting the one you wish to modify from the drop-down menu
  • you can add pages, articles, categories, custom links, ... to your menu:
    • check the desired item in the list on the left
    • click on "Add to menu". The new menu item appears at the bottom of the list (in the "Menu Structure" block)
  • to arrange the different tabs, simply click and drag. A dotted box indicates the proposed position
    • If you move the block slightly to the right, the dotted box also moves relative to the tab above it. If you place the object here, then it will be a sub-menu (or second level menu)
If your site is in several languages, each menu will be duplicated in as many languages as necessary. Each new menu must be managed individually.